Monday, March 02, 2009


Okay, not exactly, but close! I was away at a conference in Denver and came home to a big surprise. Jeff, Monica, Jesse, Mom, Dad & the kids were very busy while I was away. Kennedy's room and the playroom got a complete makeover. Yeah! I should travel away more often, huh?

Sunday, March 01, 2009


We celebrated Christmas again with Grannie & Papa and the Milonovich family. Lots of fun swimming and a big trip to NASA.

On our way back from Christmas in Tennessee, we also stopped in New Orleans for the night. The kids donned their masks and we traipsed down Bourbon Street. (Only a few unapproving stares for having children in the Big Easy after dark.) We enjoyed beignets, chocolate milks, and coffees the next morning.
Wow - only two months behind. Yikes! Good thing I didn't make it a New Year's Resolution to keep the blog current.