Sunday, March 18, 2007

Our 5K attempt. Didn't run it due to weather delays.

Taking in the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Old Town Manassas. It was cold!

Kennedy likes Green eggs and pancakes!


Showcasing our red rides out front.

Enjoying some sunny days before the cold returns.
Taking in the view at Sky Meadows Park.

Kaden made the 2 1/2 mile hike, even in his Chucks!

We were in Paris last weekend....okay, Paris, Virginia.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

We're not smart enough to put videos on the blog, but here's a link to a cute one with Kennedy battling a marshmallow.

Here we go - all bundled up and ready.

Kennedy preferred taste-testing.

Thanks Aunt Susie and Uncle Dave for the snowman kit. The snow didn't cooperate, so Kaden modeled instead.

Having a little too much fun?

Kaden's snow angel. Is that an oxymoron?

Fun in the snow. School was called off with an inch of snow!
Working some sudoku puzzles. I think Grannie and Grandpa rubbed off on me.

Not quite as exciting as Sam or Cowboy, but these carousel horses (and frogs) were pretty fun.

Kaden & Kennedy had a great week with Grannie and Grandpa while Mom attended a meeting in San Antonio.