Tuesday, October 24, 2006

In Williamsburg

Future pilot?

The crew

Jay's COD (C-2)

Kennedy catches her first java buzz

Weekend with the Driskells
Who enjoyed the birthday cake the most?

Happy birthday, Dad!

More fall fun at another pumpkin patch
Winding down (?) before bedtime

Yeah! Bubbles! Fun in the tub!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Kaden and Mara feeding the animals

Mark, John and Jeff in front of an O-2 at the FAC reunion.

Kaden in front of the Forward Air Controller Memorial at the Air Force Museum. Kaden's grandfather's name is inscribed on it.

Our weekend in Dayton, Ohio
We made it through the 4 acre corn maze in 45 minutes without getting lost too often.

Playing in the corn

Picking pumpkins

Smiles from Kennedy

Uh, oh.....I didn't do it!

Kaden driving a fire truck!
Do you like my bindi and snake painting?

Kennedy is keeping up with the ladybug theme.

Dancing in "Turkey"

A day at the International Children's Festival

A visit to Arlington Cemetery

What a bunch of goofs!