Monday, December 26, 2005

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Friday, December 02, 2005

For entertainment - check out our family pics.
Next time we'll video the occasion - it was quite an afternoon!
Here's my new trike.

The prince and mom.

Gram-gram and Zachary.
Birthday parties are pretty tiring!

Jumping with the kids.

Cousin Zachary tooling around in the backyard.

Just taste-testing my cake.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Kennedy and Gram-gram cuddle.

This is as close as I got to Santa.

Too much dancing makes your pants fall off!

Uncle Jesse, Aunt Monica, and Cousin Zachary at the Holiday Light Festival at the Zoo.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Stay tuned for a Thanksgiving weekend with all of the Kennedys, even Gram-Gram.
We're so excited!
Mimi with her 13th angel - little biscuit.

Part of the Clement clan.
Thanks for a fun weekend Aunt Jan and Uncle John!

My early birthday gift.
This one will have to suffice until I get the real thing.

Fun with Cousin Kate

Kennedy takes after her Aunt Monica - not bitten by the horse bug, yet

"Look Mom" - one-handed on this two year-old palomino!

Kaden on Cowboy
Helping across the spillway

Kaden and "Danny" (Grannie) at the park
Best buddies

Giving "BaPa" (Grandpa) swimming lessons

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Our little princess is growing so fast!
Trick or Treat?!?!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Look close, here's Kaden and Mom.

In Alabama, they use helicoptors for prime pumpkin hunting.

Our day at the pumpkin patch

Kennedy even likes shrimp!

Our Seminar hosted a shower for us and another new addition in the class.
Yum! A Cajun Shrimp Boil!

Dad was the fashion trendsetter.
Is this metrosexual or ubersexual?

Just a few years ago...

Happy Birthday Dad! We pulled off a surprise party for him.

Kennedy Jane

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

One more pic from the fair.
Dad won this dragon for Kaden shooting hoops.
Thanks to Coach John and an extra $45.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Smiles from Kennedy.

Maybe Grandpa will let me ride his Hog some day.

Just practicing for riding at Grannie's.

We had a great day at the fair.

Mimi and Kaden take turns with the haunted bowl.